And what a year for grind, huh?! The aforementioned label, shit-tons (yup) of solid releases, news of a (I don't know quite the word for it, but let's go with: Memorial): Nasum Memorial Tour and probably a bunch of other cool shit.
Without further ado! My list of 13 releases 'cause why not? I actually ordered them this year, too!
(a caveat first: as all who know me know, I am, typically, notoriously bad at saying anything when I say things about music, but here goes)
1. Cloud Rat - s/t
Blistering, angry, vivid, intelligent, really well-executed grinding . Very effective and much more affective than pretty much all grind-related shit I've ever heard. It's like if you took some roiling mass of chaos and wrapped it tightly in palletwrap; the chaos seethes and surges and spits and snarls but it can't break free (palletwrap is a brilliant control mechanism, ya see).
Favourite tune: "Dwell"
2. Human Touch - s/t
As soon as I heard the yelling intro to demo opener "Youth Prison," I knew I'd found a winner. And gang shout choruses! From there things maintain the intensity in this wickedly tuneful, angry, engaged, engaging hardcore. And just wait for the if-you-don't-feel-like-shouting-along-with-it-check-your-PULSE! awesome title track. Full o' anthemic, fist-pumping catharsis.
Favourite tune: "Human Touch"
3. Autopsy - Macabre Eternal
Generally, my response to death metal is "meh," but I have this gaping, festering hole of a soft-spot for Autopsy and their grimy, filthy, slimy vomitus. It's the atmosphere and the feel and the Chris Reifert!
Favourite tune: "Always about to Die"
4. Lock Up - Necropolis Transparent
It's a total ripper. Just like you'd expect from Lock Up.
Favourite tune: "Unseen Enemy"
5. Rotten Sound - Cursed
Another throat-ripping grinder. Seriously good year for this shit. And such a thick sound.
Favourite tune: "Ritual"
6. Fen - Epoch
One of those post-black metal bands... It's so spacious, expansive, expressive.
Favourite tune: "A Waning Solace"
7. Punch - Nothing Lasts
Wicked hardcore again. Angry, engaging. And full of outstanding breakdowns. Holy moly!
Favourite tune: "Time Apart"
8. Brutal Truth - End Time
Brutal Truth! Rich Hoak! (anything involving Rich Hoak is kind of awesome - Total Fucking Destruction almost made this list, too). And any time I mention Rich Hoak is a wonderful excuse for this!:
Photo by Christian Misje
Favourite tune: "Killing Planet Earth"
9. Drugs of Faith - Corroded
Richard Johnson has a wicked shout. And shouts yells screams yowls rages in wicked grind bands.
Favourite tune: "Hidden Costs"
10. Circle of Ouroborus - Eleven Fingers
Another spacious post-black metal sort of thing. Really effective at an oxymoronic claustrophobic expansiveness.
Favourite tune: "Sigil of Suns"
11. Tasseomancy - Ulalume
The band formerly known as Ghost Bees are back with neo-folk which is sparse sparse sparse. Echoing, lonely, melancholic, eerie, spidery, enchanting.
Favourite tune: "Diana"
12. Death Grips - Exmilitary
Dark, esoteric, experimental hip hop (who would ever have expected those words on one of my year-end lists, huh?!). Challenging, full of great beats and huge vocals.
Favourite tune: "Beware"
Tom Waits - Bad as Me
This doesn't really count in my ordered list. Any album Tom Waits releases gets picked up in my year end list. It doesn't even matter. Some really good hiccuping rock 'n' roll on this one.
Favourite tune: "Get Lost"
Oh, and another one that would've made this list if I'd been certain of its release date: Soundtrack to the Life of a Car Nearly Driving Into the Pacific by Richard Laviolette. I'm not sure if this was a 2011 release or late-2010, so it's not on here. Just in case. But, as always, damn great stuff from Mr. Laviolette. "Bats" is my favourite from this one.
The full list of contenders (that made it past the final cuts, that is - there was actually a metric shit-tonne more releases that I heard this year. Almost all of which were released by the aforementioned GK):
Akitsa - Auprès de la mort, triomphant!
Altar of Plagues - Mammal
Autopsy - Macabre Eternal
Bestower - s/t
Bird - 2011 Demo
Brutal Truth - End Time
Circle of Ouroborus - Eleven Fingers
Cloud Rat - Fever Dreams
Cloud Rat - s/t
Craft - Void
Death Grips - Exmilitary
Despise You/Agoraphobic Nosebleed - And On and On...
Drugs of Faith - Corroded
Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I
Fags Hate God - Viscera
Fen - Epoch
Hoglust - Support Hate
Human Touch - s/t
Inerds - Choice Cuts
Inerds - Stonewall
Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow
Les Cowboys Fringants - Que du vent
Lock Up - Necropolis Transparent
Mournful Congregation - The Book of Kings
Of the Wand and the Moon - The Lone Descent
PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
Punch - Nothing Lasts
Rotten Sound - Cursed
Soror Dolorosa - Blind Scenes
Tasseomancy - Ulalume
Tom Waits - Bad as Me
Total Fucking Destruction - Hater
Toxic Holocaust - Conjure and Command
Vintersorg - Jordpuls
Weekend Nachos - Worthless
Ygg - Ygg
And, as a final thought: this show - an amazing back-and-forth between Cloud Rat and Inerds: