
ALSO! (unrelatedly):

Solange Knowles (who I only know because of the outstandingly entertaining words of the women at Go Fug Yourself [mostly Jessica, according to the "signature"]; I don't care about celebrity fashion at all --- whether atrocious or wonderful; but the voices --- the authorial voices --- of both Jessica and Heather are among the best of the blog writers whom I've read. I'll read what they have to say about things I care nothing about, and enjoy it.) was someone I just assumed was famous because she was related to someone famous. I was proven wrong by YOUTUBE. I'm not sure if you've heard of that (it's a pretty underground site --- you know: SECRET), but that's where I went after viewing purple feathers.
So, I checked out Solange at YouTube. And learned that she, like her (probably?) more famous sister Beyoncé, is a singer (who, from what I've heard of both [which, to be fair, is not much] is much better). I listened to a song called "I Decided":

And I was, to be unabashedly (I've been reading a lot of E.A. Poe recently, so I'm diggin' adverbs like that. What are you gonna do?) honest, quite impressed; it's such a throwback. Do you remember Aretha? Diana? et cetera? And, at the same time, trying to push things forward. It's great. Also: the fact that the song doesn't really move anywhere (in that the main progression is repeated throughout the song's entirety) really excites me (I dig when things are repeated ad nauseam). When does pop music be so bold as to be so stagnant?! Dynamics and harmonic discrepancies are, really, the only variation. And it works. I dig the lack of variation. I dig the incessancy.
And the beat* is pretty swell, too.

*Who doesn't dig claps?


a said...

I kind of liked Solange because she had a shotgun wedding, pooped out a baby and then got divorced.


J said...

i did hand claps —way too much sometimes. That song is pretty catchy too.