
The Eggsciting World of EGGS!

A bit of a review (which is certainly not eggshaustive) of the past few months, solely in relation to work:

I get up eggstremely early (for me, anyway; ten after five isn't all that eggstravagant, I suppose, but I like to eggsaggerate) and eggsit the house and stand at a corner, eggspecting the bus to arrive posthaste. When it doesn't, I eggshale in a sigh, eggspectorate a bit and then board (once the bus arrives, of course). After the commute, I walk to the EGG PROCESSING PLANT WHERE I WORK!

At work, I stand around, doing eggsciting things, which may include: putting things in boxes!, putting things on conveyor belts!, mopping/squeegeeing the floors!, shovelling shells!, pouring chemicals (which eggsert an influence over the well-being of my pulmonary system, no doubt) into large vats! and, essentially, being responsible for all sorts of eggsacting work! I guess I get a bit of eggsercise, though.

There's nothing too eggshilarating about the work, really; I think I may have lied in this post's title.

All in all, it's mostly just eggshausting.


a said...


J said...

cotton cotton!

Annie Biotix said...

You should move into a playpen!