
The wine blog. Yeah, I know!

All right: since g.'s been back in the TO, we've been drinking wine (to be honest, we drank wine before we left the TO for a holiday, too). Drinking wine and writing about it in a little journal thing. Talking about wine, drinking wine, talking about it some more and then drinking a bunch. It's cyclical, really.

Anyway, we decided that the notes we wrote in the journal should be shared. For the good of all humankind, really.

We are not connoisseurs. We just really like drinking wine. And, since we talk about it to each other, we figured that we should bring our wisdom to a wider audience. So people can, in the future, buy their wine informedly. And have fun, of course. That's the main goal. Fun is foremost in this pursuit. Honest.

In the truest sense of the word, we are not oenophiles. But, in a loose interpretation, we most certainly are. With a bullet.

So, if you want to know what we have to say about wines——both tasty and otherwise——go here.

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